Monday, May 10, 2010

A Chocolate Mousse Kind of Afternoon...

I love chocolate mousse, and what I love better is homemade chocolate mousse. Its a wonder I still venture to eat it after the butter and cream that goes into it, but when you're looking to indulge, why not? Besides, it's not like I'm going to saddle up to the whole bowl!

I was at the grocery store and saw that Jello came out with the fake sugar 60 calorie B.S. plastic cups of chocolate mousse, and let me just say, what's the point??

For me it's all about the experience! A fancy glass, a good show on tv, and a tiny tiny spoon (or cookie!) to eat it with...

Here's my favorite recipe:

Dark Chocolate Mousse
Courtesy Bobby Flay


5 1/4 ounces bittersweet chocolate, coarsely chopped

14 ounces cold heavy cream

3 large egg whites

1-ounce sugar

Sweetened whipped cream, for garnish, optional

Shaved bittersweet chocolate, for garnish, optional


Place chocolate in a large bowl set over a bain marie or in a double boiler at a low simmer. Stir chocolate until melted. Turn off the heat and let stand.

Beat the cream over ice until it forms soft peaks. Set aside and hold at room temperature. With a mixer, whip egg to soft peaks. Gradually add the sugar and continue whipping until firm.

Remove the chocolate from the bain marie and using a whisk, fold in the egg whites all at once. When the whites are almost completely incorporated, fold in the whipped cream. Cover the mousse and refrigerate for approximately 1 hour or until set. Serve in goblets topped with more whipped cream and shaved chocolate, if desired.

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