So. I've been working really hard to learn how to golf for a while now. My wonderful husband tries his best to teach me, but needless to say it's difficult - I'm stubborn.
He video tapes my swing then tells me what to change. I have no clue whether it's a good or bad swing, or what a good or bad swing even looks like. All I know is that on the golf simulator at the golf shop, I supposedly hit 80mph, and that's 15mph more than most women...
Told my friend that, and being that we're both German, she says,
"Using your muscles from Brussels!"
I just think I look like a major nerd... Seriously. But still, once you get all the nice golf clothes on (unlike below) Then I suppose I at least look the part...
And yes, I get it. I'm pale, but give me a break. I just had skin cancer burned off yesterday..