Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Death to Dandelion

The smell of fertilizer taints the air of my front yard, and where I hate the smell, I love that it will kill the hundred-plus dandelion's that have flourished there. It's always too cold to fertilize before the grass begins to grow, so every year we end up with this less than beautiful bed of yellow flowers - definitely not the romantic bed of flowers I was hoping for.

Pre-season herb-o-cidal bouts come in the form of a gas powered Honda, going about the yard like the Queen of Hearts and chopping their heads off while I smile with murderous delight...

I even hear they're edible... but for this bunch, not anymore.

Shrivel little yellow hat ladies... feel the acid burn.

On a better, less herb-o-cidal note, the unnaturally trained apple by my front door is blooming! I bought one that was grown on wires so it looks like a grape vine. It matched the twenty foot tall one in the back yard that has the same flowers all over it.

Massive pink. Massive Hummingbird utopia.

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