Thursday, February 11, 2010

How to Organize Your Bookshelf!

Don't we all love our books! And how we LOVE to have them out on the open all day long, there to remind us to read them, or simply bask in the story they told! I have often pondered over the best way to organize a book shelf, and I have come to one simple conclusion...
Organizing by content is close to impossible.
This is why I love the idea of organizing by color. When I think of books, it's never the author I remember, or even the name, but often it's the color. I am a very visual person, and therefore this works best for me, even if it does place a series of three books apart from one another. Like Harry Potter, all over the place.
Chaos is order for some :)
But if it's alphabetical your after, don't fret. That offers an array of randomly ordered books. But there are many way to organize your shelf, all unique to you! Here are some ideas:
1. Color
- course you have to have plenty of books. The issue I always run into is that most of mine are violet because of the type, but still, so unique!!!
2. Characters
- place them in order from favorite to least fav.
- or most villainous to least villainous
3. Star Rating!
- I like this one. Get a sheet of those little gold stars and when you're done reading a book, rate it by placing the appropriate star count on the spine!! Then you'll always know what you thought!!
4. Alphabetical
- truly classic, and an easy go to.
5. Random Disarray!
- Nothing wrong with liking it random! Just make sure you're taking care of those beautiful works of art! They are important to us all!!!

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