Monday, April 5, 2010

Manic Monday: iPad e-books, Shiver book thoughts, and waiting on the mailman...

We Finally Meet iPhone's Mama...
Well, I guess I should say that no, I did not run out and buy one. I'm an author, and quite frankly, an iPad won't do much good for me other than reading books (typing without real keys = not going to happen). At the rate I read books, though, the screen will hurt my eyes.
I think it should have been named iTab...
Anyways. So my books are making their way into the iBookstore, if they're not on there already. I got a notification telling me Feather: Book One made it, and so far that makes me very happy. So all you iPad-dlers out there, look for me :D
Also look for me, coming soon to: Sony e-reader, Barnes and Noble Nook, and just about any other form, including in the Indonesian market, in your language! That's right, we're going global.
Waiting on the Mailman...

I'm awaiting my Author Review Copy of Knight Angels. Very Exciting!
He never comes at the same time, and there's no way of knowing if it will come today, or tomorrow. It's killing me, and it's so fun to finally get to see what it's going to look like in person!
*biting nails*
Shiver Book Review...

Ah, I love holidays.
I read the whole book cover to cover yesterday, and I don't think I could have done it any other way. I am a sucker for romantic stories of star-crossed lovers. I figured that was rather obvious because of my writing...
I regret that I waited this long to read this book, and no, that does not mean I finished Beautiful Creatures. I'm still knawing my way through that one, not that it's bad, it just wasn't my taste. It's like wine - personal taste.
what made it better was the fact it was cold and windy yesterday, so I really got a sense of the story. Of course today it snowed again, like it did friday... Gotta love April.

1 comment:

Becca said...

Thanks for the book review of Shiver- that's one I've been looking at. Although I'm currently reading Parallel and LOVING it! Even more addictive and amazing than I expected! Congrats on going global!!


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